Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Keep your customers up to date

Setting up a blog on your website is quick and easy and you can keep your customers up to date on offers you may have.

You can also update your blog from your mobile phone anywhere day or night as we have just done.

Sent from my iPhone

On-Line Shopping for your Business

According to Google Internet Stats 80% of Internet users are now accessing online retail sites to purchase items, and that 70% of these will purchase over the 2010 Christmas period. If your company is considering an on-line sales presence now is the time. It is very affordable and taking payments on line is quick and 100% secure.

So please contact us today and we will be happy to have your shopping cart up and running within a matter of weeks for your potential customers.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Internet Register Ireland scam

Letters like the one below that we received are doing the rounds at present, please be aware if you regsiter your details with this "company" you are in for a bill of €968. Unfortunately some companies has fallen for this scam so please be carefull. If ever unsure go with your gut feeling -dump it

Friday, October 1, 2010

Are people seeing my website ?

Ever think "I have a website for my local business, but I haven't ever received a single phonecall or customer for my business, through my website"

Are you sure?

Ask yourself if you are the average off-line business owner who has built a website to promote an off-line business, chances are real good that you probably haven't ever received a single customer from your website.

However, if your website does not request for your prospective customers to let you know how they found out about your business, then chances are that people who did find you through your website wouldn't ever tell you that.

If more than one person answers the phone at your business, chances are just as good that someone may have mentioned finding you on a website, but no one conveyed that information to you. In your business, you should have systems in place to track and record where new customers have found your business. 
Knowledge is power.